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明星访谈展现真实一面 “中国好声息”节目评委之一:刘欢Liu Huan, judge on 'The Voice of China'

  • 发布日期:2025-02-27 10:17    点击次数:159
  • 明星访谈展现真实一面 “中国好声息”节目评委之一:刘欢Liu Huan, judge on 'The Voice of China'



    云尔图:刘欢 Liu Huan is a professor with the University of International Business and Economics. He is also a noted musician and pop singer in the Chinese mainland. Liu was most recently chosen to act as one of the four judges on "The Voice of China", a surprisingly popular singing talent show which has aired on Zhejiang Satellite TV since July 13, 2012. 刘欢,对外经贸大学教化,中国大陆流行歌手。他演唱的许多歌曲在中国大陆广为流传、历久不断,其创作和演唱的作品屡次获奖。她是浙江卫视本年推出的“中国好声息”节目四大评委之一,该节目自7月13日开播以来极端火爆。 Born on Aug. 26, 1963 into a teacher's family in Tianjin, Liu enrolled at the University of International Relations in Beijing in 1981, majoring in French literature. He was retained at the university as a faculty member after graduation in 1985. He won two first prizes in Beijing's first-ever university English and French singing contests in 1985. He lived in Shizuishan, a remote area in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, in 1985-1986 to help promote local education by teaching music. He was appointed a professor with the University of International Business and Economics to teach the history of Western music in 1991, and has been working at the university for more than 20 years. 1963年8月26日,刘欢在天津一个教化家庭出身。1981年至1985年就读于北京知名高校——外洋干系学院,攻读法国体裁专科;毕业后留校任教。1985年夺得北京首届高校英语、法语歌曲比赛双料冠军;1985-1986年随中央讲师团自发赴宁夏石嘴山支教一年,培植音乐。自1991在对外经贸大学任教,教化《西方音乐史》,于今已20多年。 Since becoming a professional singer in 1985, Liu's singing has been widely acclaimed across the country. He won many national awards, including the Top 10 Film and TV Singers in the Country in 1988, in 1990 and in 1992. 刘欢自1985年夺得皆门高校英语和法语歌曲比赛两项冠军步入歌坛以来,他演唱的诸多作品被广为传唱,荣获多个国内奖项,其中1988、1990、1992年流通三届当选“世界影视十佳歌手”。 On Aug. 8, 2008, Liu sang a duet "You and Me" with Sarah Brightman at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, the zenith of his singing career. In addition to singing, Liu Huan also creates original scores for film and TV. His works have been well received by both audiences and his peers in the industry. 2008年8月8日,刘欢更是登上了演唱生存的最岑岭,他与莎拉•布莱曼演唱的北京奥运会主题歌《我和你》唱响世界。除了演唱,刘欢还把主要元气心灵纠合在音乐创作绝顶是影视原创音乐上,刘欢的原创音乐在受到歌迷追捧的同期在业内同业中也获得了高超口碑。 As a professor, Liu is invited every year to colleges and universities in Beijing to teach music courses. As a famous musician, when asked if his classes differ from other teachers', Liu simply said: "Nothing different. While standing on the platform, I am just a teacher. Everything outside has nothing to do with me at that moment." 行动又名大学教化,刘欢每年还会有采用地应邀到北京的一些高级院校举办音乐常识讲座。当被记者问到刘欢行动又名知名的音乐东谈主,上课是否和其他的敦厚有所区别时,刘欢干脆说:“没什么不同,站在讲台上我便是敦厚,外面的一切事情和我无关。” Liu Huan married Lu Lu, a hostess for Hunan TV, in 1988. Their daughter was born in September 1991. Liu underwent hip replacement surgery at the Beijing University Third Hospital in mid-April 2010. The surgery was very successful. 刘欢与卢璐于1988年景婚,他们的犬子于1991年9月出身。2010年4月中旬,刘欢在北医三院骨外科进行了右腿“髋要道置换术”,手术相当得手。 In 2012, Liu was asked to act as one of the four judges on "The Voice of China", a singing talent show broadcast on Zhejiang Satellite TV. Her fellow judges are Na Ying, Yang Kun, and Harlem Yu. 2012年刘欢被浙江卫视本年推出的“中国好声息”节目选为四名评委之一;与其搭档的其他三位评委远离是那英、杨坤和庚澄庆。

    The following are the most popular songs sung by Liu Huan from 1987 to 2012:

    "Can Not Do Without You" in 1987

    "The Sun in My Heart" in 1987

    "Ambitious Youth Has No Complaint" in 1987

    "Can Not Live This Way" in 1988

    "The Crescent Moon" in 1989

    “The Clove Rain" in 1990

    “Black Ship" in 1990

    "Time and Time Again You Ask Me" in 1993

    "Worship" in 1993

    "All Over Again" in 1997

    "Heaven and Earth in My heart" in 1998

    "The Song of Brave Men" in 1999

    "The Knife-sharpening Old Man" in 1999

    "Lulu" in 2004

    "You and Me" in 2008

    "Pair of Phoenixes Flying side by Side" in 2012


















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